Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has been the face of several luxury brands. The actress has now been roped in as the new brand ambassador of Pottery Barn. As a new member, the actress will help promote the company’s international expansion during this global partnership. Deepika Padukone will also closely work with the team to co-create a collection.
On Instagram, the brand wrote, “We are thrilled to name global luminary and international icon @DeepikaPadukone as the brand ambassador for Pottery Barn. The actor, entrepreneur and philanthropist, will work closely with our in-house design team in San Francisco to co-create a capsule collection that will launch in Fall 2023, celebrating timeless design and quality craftsmanship.”
Pottery Barn in partnership with Reliance Brands Limited recently opened doors in India with its website followed by the company’s first store in Ambience Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.
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